Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FPGA Quartus II

11 April

Bloody... this is the second day I use this.. and believe me.. I cried for whole night just to hook up the DE board to my lappy...
There are issues with the USB buster.. Luckily I have google to solve it... 
It seems that windows 7 can't support with unsigned character that vista or older version does...
Found an alternative installer and solved it....

The first Example is the Asynchronous Counter.... Which I totally has no balls on what it is writing...
Verilog HDL ~.~ First step is always hard...
After running the program... all the 7-segments are in 8... and I have no idea which is the reset button LOL
Should be the clock speed too fast... but.. HOW TO MODIFY !!?!?!@%?@#!%%!@#$!@
It retained as a myth...for now... LOL 

Got frustrated.... Went to the help and follow the tutorial line by line....
Then I found something interesting... 
"in Figure 2 clicking the left mouse button on the menu named File opens the menu shown in Figure 3"
LOL !!!! They even teach you which mouse button to use... The tutorial sounds promising right?
After a while.. I found something which is interesting but in another way...
It seems that it has all the module lined up waiting for you in the Verilog Template....
Cool ~~ For once I thanked god this is not a douchey program ~.~

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ending This Semester

It has been a while since I blogged... Everything is going just fine...
Well... this semester is really douchy... 

I have no idea why Year3 subjects is easier than previous 2 years... so many complains so little time...
To start off, the syllable... Do they even know what is prerequisite? come on.... need a hint?
2 of the subjects this sem keep on repeating syllables of year1 and 2... 
And the thing that pissed me off is that 50% of both of these subjects ARE THE SAME !!!!!
Op-amp, filter, DAC/ADC.... I have learnt them like forever and yet this sem, they go repeat it... 
The worst thing is... they are effing easier than the first time I learnt...
GAH !!!!! nuff said it wasted my whole semester time... 
Most importantly,

If you are my lecturer, please do not feel sad, I know it isn't your fault...
You are just doing your job...
For those flamers, you might question me, why don't I make a complain...
fyi, I DON'T care...
It has let me down for a lot of time and there  ain't any improvement...
What for wasting my time to make more complains when they have a lot unsolved problems?

So... here, I am officially ending my semester myself... 
will be uploading some noob photos shortly...