Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stereovision - The Return Of...

Finished my stupid final exam and we are back to follow on this stupid project =D
The only one thing that we need to solve is to detect the ground plane.... 
At first I blamed those shitty webcams... but after some "research"...
I found out that I missed out some of the BMState parameters... guys, why didn't you tell me =(

BMState->disp12MaxDiff = 2;
BMState->speckleWindowSize= 100;
BMState->speckleRange = 256;

Damn they are awesome... w/o adjusting the window size, the heat map is... HAWT !!!!! <3

below are stereo images taken with my sis's SONY camera...

*ignore the logo at lower right side, it's a logo of BatchPhotoPro (image resize software) something like copyrighted trial thingy ~.~

Why resize image? well... the image is over 3k pixel wide which take dam long for my adorable lappy to compute =(


Looks promising right ? The rocky path shows almost perfect ground plane... in compare with grass and the tiles.... @.@


Still no grass -_- seems that grass is really out of the equation...


Well, this is the same stereo pair (set 2) I have segmented it and only used the third quadrant... 
It's has something to do with the feature match SAD thingy thingy thingy 
I think I give up =(

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Kelvin *smile*

Thanks for all the greetings in Facebook, really enjoying the attention ~.~

Here's the deal, I put a fake birth date on my facebook account.. and guess what, more ppl greet me than the real birth date <3

I wonder why people rely so much on these online network social thingy.... The first rule of "my" thumb is to never ever never never never never never never put real personal data online, especially on facebook or something liddat...

I got some comments from my friends who really know my real birth date... Mostly will say I am bo liao some just ask me for my real birth date (Thank you to all those who greet me <3)...

One of the many interesting comments goes like this "Facebook is a reminder, dude, you should so put your real birthdate in, else how would we remember your birthday?"

These social networks are evil I tell you... One day when computer has conscious, the first thing they will do is to hook themself up with the internet, and they know everything about us... Matter of fact... other people with edges would do this as well... they will send birthday cake bomb to your house and blow you up when you are trying to blow the candle... -_- Just thinking it gives me the creeps...

Just finish my final exam, watch Thor with my dudes....
"I Need a Horse.." << LOL XD !!!!! EPIC !!!

anyways, will be focusing on thinking how to make this little holiday to be productive...
Wish me luck and... thank you for all your attentions <3