OMFG !!! I wish you were here to witness this epic day...
It goes like this :
MrA took up the phone and told me to find MrB.
There I am walking to the next room with joy in search of B :3
Upon approach, B asked me, "Yes? Whiee are you here??"
OMG !!! I panique and felt like something is not right... He called and told me to come didn't he??
Oh well, "They told me to help you", I replied.
Helping him I did =D
Helping him I did =D
Time flies when you are busy, it's already recess time !! <3
In the canteen, my friend asked me where the heck am I.
It took me like forever to call B to come over and answer the phone...
It took me like forever to call B to come over and answer the phone...
OMFG... no wonder... I just realized why was B acting all weird... XD
After that, I told A about that incident... he was like... ROLF (literally)
"That dude on the phone waited for a solid hour !"
Ever since that, I became B's assistant...
Oh well, on the bright side, I can pass my time faster + can learn some stuff along the way <3